Thursday, December 29, 2011

Drafts dump

Porcupine Tree make excellent music (Muzak? \m/)

Light treats living and non-living things impartially, in terms of creating shadows.

I wish FMS wins not only the match, but the cup. J I will do everything I can to fulfill my wish.

When I’m riding around on the Metro, I see so many heavily under-utilized buildings…AzSol will turn these decrepits into small, long-lasting, efficient, clean, self-sustained energy generation units.

I agree with Robert Downey Jr’s character in Short Cuts – you gotta pick your moments. In today’s fast-paced easily customized life, I can endeavor to keep the probability of being in places I’m good at being at. Also, the broad shape of the future can be achieved through planned actions.

It’s 8 a.m., and the down-draft in the Metro is stinkingly stifling…

I have always been the source of profundity and truisms.

A driver out for a joyride in his employer’s vehicle, for another short one.

Do muslims wear rings?

Every individual is bound to be different, even ants – with them, it’s just that there are so many that to ensure the ‘colony’’s survival, they must act upon self-imposed guidelines. The fact that the entire ant genus doesn’t necessarily follow this behavior is in accordance with what I stated about individuals. Stereotype formation is also related to this (behavior of ‘colonies’.)

Does china have its own film industry? How about the Communist Party of China – as in, does the CP of C have a film division per se – not a PR or media division.

It’s hard for me to replicate thoughts later, especially epiphanic ones like this, exactly.

The thing is, everything seems insightful.

Cells, biological and physical, in the sense of them being the basic building blocks, are reproduced on the pages of textbooks and screens, but do they really depict what is there at that level? With space, we can at least reach outwards and upwards to attempt gleaning what we form the building block of.

Monday, December 5, 2011

To The Gmail Team

Why is Google unable to create a simple Gmail address:

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Schopenhauer-related drafts from cellphone

Man, is this Schopenhauer verbose! It is a trait shared by European philosophers, I think, except for the likes of Wittgenstein, of which there are few.

How tedious all this must be in the original language, or is it that much better?

How much longer (if at all), and more importantly why, should we "use" other philosophers' work? I, taking full advantage of the technological means at my disposal, hereby declare my philosophy a new breed. 6-hourism. :)

Quote Schopenhauer, On Thinking For Yourself 10[sic, I guess I meant the paragraph number - this was before I started dog-earing the poor book], as an example of his vanity, as well as being the reason to put the book down whenever I want, as my will.

Prize essay on moral freedom in 1841? Was he really this vain? Anyway, who'm I to judge?

Sch was before "This Is Not A Pipe" by Magritte and modern art - for On Aesthetics.

Four paras into On Books And Writing and already I'm in almost complete agreement with Sch. As I said earlier, he is vain. But I guess I as a 6-hourist run with that risk. :)

As I said, Sch is verbose. He is also repetitive, a little, maybe - commonness, early-age-trainability of ours etc. That's the trouble, I guess, with short bursts of writing - thoughts can branch out differently, uniquely, when thought again.

The presence of thorns on plants as defense mechanisms is an example of their will.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Quotes from (and thoughts kinda related to) Schopenhauer

These are from Essays and Aphorisms, Penguin Classics, 2004 edition. The translation from German was done by R J Hollingdale, referred to as "the definitive translation" on the back. I'll start each quote with the page number it is from, and discriminate my thoughts within [ ] :

42: Not the least of the torments which plague our existence is the constant pressure of time, which never lets us so much as draw breath but pursues us all like a taskmaster with a whip. it ceases to persecute only him it has delivered over to boredom. [So boredom is one of the things Sch despises. I did not read this collection from start to end; instead I read as I wished. I have read the entire book except the introductory text, as I feel it imposes a frame of reference, or a set of expectations, before even getting to the (original) author's views.]

43: Thus for a race such as this [us, human] no stage, no form of existence is suitable other than the one it already possesses. [I disagree, we as a species are obviously evolving; it's just that evolution is a lengthy process, methinks.]

50: [Sch mentions many religions, Hinduism included, a few paragraphs before this] ...the appropriate form of address between man and man ought to be, not monsieur, sir, but fellow sufferer, compagnon de miseres. [I don't know how to get the diacritics in Blogger, and frankly, does it matter very much? Sch also says, later, that (difference in) languages are barriers to humanity's pursuit of knowledge.]

53: That human life must be some kind of mistake is sufficiently proved by the simple observation that man is a compound of needs which are hard to satisfy; that their satisfaction achieves nothing but a painless condition in which he is only given over to boredom; and that boredom is a direct proof that existence is in itself valueless, for boredom is nothing other than the sensation of the emptiness of existence. [I have typed on my cell a few more thoughts that had occured to me before i started marking the pages by dog-earing them (sorry about that...), one of them is about the author's verbosity and another about his repetitiveness. Those thoughts will be in the next post.]

93: [I have omitted some quotes I had thought worth mentioning, for their lack of saying something true, relevant or new (according to me), in hindsight] There are very many thoughts which have value for him who thinks them, but only a few of them possess the power of engaging the interest of a reader after they have been written down. [Obviously, Sch believes himself to be in possession of that power, a concept almost promulgated by scholars in the years after his.]

99: ...while in India, on the contrary, the Brahmins meet the sermons of missionaries with condescending smiles or a shrug of the shoulders, and among this people in general all attempts have, the most comfortable opportunity for it notwithstanding [covering his bases by sounding omni-knowledgable], met with utter failure.

101: Primum vivere, deinde philosophari First live, then philosophize. [Self explanatory, I'd say.]

119: Mere subtlety may qualify you as a sceptic but not as a philosopher. On the other hand, scepticism is in philosophy what the Opposition is in Parliament; it is just as beneficial, and indeed necessary. It rests everywhere on the fact that philosophy is not capable of producing the kind of evidence mathematics produces. [My emphasis is on the mathematical un-relativity part. Man how I hate math...]

137: For our civilized world is nothing but a great masquerade.

140: [Sch agrees with]...tat twam asi (This art Thou), by which is meant every living thing, whether man or animal : it is called Mahavakya, the great word.

143: ...but will [Sch's muse, so to speak...] itself, since it lies outside of time [ exemplified here by him setting will free of the constraints of time], is unchangeable for as long as it exists at all.

156: If, however, the individual will sets its associated power of imagination free for a while, and for once releases it entirely from the service for which it was made and exists [tending of the will, as follows:], so that it abandons the tending of the will or of the individual person which alone is its natural theme and thus its regular occupation, and yet does not cease to be energetically active [covering his bases by laying down criteria to be met for his assumption to be true] or to extend to their fullest extent its powers of perceptivity [which, even at the best of times, is rarely the case, i.e., that our mental or will faclties are performing at their "fullest extent"], then it will forthwith become completely objective, i.e. it will become a faithful mirror of objects, or more precisely the medium of the objectivization of the will appearing in this or that [e.g. ?] object, the inmost nature of which will now come forth through it the more completely the longer perception lasts, until it has been entirely exhausted. [Perhaps he exercised his literary art more while writing On Aesthetics. ;)]

162: The melancholy effect of the inorganic [without carbon] nature of water is in large part abolished by its great mobility, which produces an impression of life, and by its constant play with light: it is, moreover, the primal condition of our life. [Hence, drink lotsa water everyday.]

168: Hope is the confusion of the desire of a thing with its probability. [And, the probability of a thing can be increased through actions.]

172: The degree of clarity of consciousness, and consequently of thought, can therefore be regarded as the degree of reality of existence. But this degree of thought, or of clear consciousness of one's own existence and of that of others, varies very greatly within the human race itself according to the measure of natral intellectual power [born with it?], the extent to which this has been developed [oh, okay.], and the amount of leisure [not boredom] available for reflection [obviously - self-introspection is central to 6-hourism].

174: The will, as the thing in itself, is the common stuff of all beings, the universal element of things: ...

175: He ["a man who wants to be altogether uncommon, that is to say great"] must, e.g., be able to take note of the odious opinion of another without feeling his own aroused by it: ...

178: Yet the more knowledge you possess, and the more multifarious it is, the more time you will require to find in your memory precisely what it is you want,...because out of the very large number of trains of thought [I have used this phrase countless times before, and so have very many people, so we kind of know what he is talking about here] possible to you, you have to call up precisely that train which...

200: Only he who takes what he writes directly out of his own head is worth reading. [So, am I? In the context of this blog post, obviously not, but even then the thoughts in the square parentheses are mine. I’m sure that counts for something.]

201: When it [thought] begins to exist for others it ceases to live in us, just as the child severs itself from its mother when it enters into its own existence. [He also acknowledges that “As soon as our thinking has found words it ceases to be sincere or at bottom serious.”]

202: Anonymity, that shield for every kind of literary scoundrelism, must disappear. [Apply this to today’s willy-nilly named users who throng cyberspace looking to tarnish things with their words.]

205: Truth is fairest naked, and the simpler its expression the profounder its influence. [Hmm…true; even though he doesn’t always put his thoughts simply.]

215: To believe that physical and chemical forces could by themselves bring about an organism is not merely mistaken but, as already remarked, stupid. – This life force in itself is will. [To survive? The only thing that prevents me from deriding his labeling of self-genesis is the lack of ability to create life outside the ovum.]

223: So that all newspaper writers are, for the sake of their trade, alarmists: this is their way of making themselves interesting.

226: The latter [the teachers or “masters” at “the many and manifold institutions for teaching and learning”] teach to earn money...; the former [pupils at the same] learn, not to achieve knowledge and insight, but so as to be able to chatter about them and give themselves airs. [The previous thought and this one are verily apparent in the present world.]

228: …the number of heads capable of thinking and forming judgements is moreover already so small that if their forum is broken up and kept asunder by language barriers their beneficial effect is infinitely weakened. [I mentioned this before.]

229: …, consequently perception should precede concept. [I have written about this before, whether on this blog, or in Write, or in HIWTBINW.]

232: …: so that everyone is worth looking at [pertaining to “every human face is a hieroglyph which can be deciphered”], even if everyone is not worth talking to.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


There's a predominantly Punjabi fest going on in KMC (methinks). There was a spate of Hindi 'Happy Birthday To You' songs, and it's evidently party music. Ironical, considering that what sound is spilling over into my ears is making me reconsider going to Jynxx (hope I've got that "write")...I wonder what goes on in people's lives when no one's looking. Reading "Connect The Dots" and "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish". Entrepreneurship is 50-50, at best. Or maybe 100-0 or 0-100. I don't know. I think it's more about trying to find things you don't know so that you can find them, or the answers to them.

The Cow, or, An Essay on the false notion of triviality of subjects as we grow "older"

Why is it that topics such as 'My Favorite Toy', 'My Summer Vacations' and 'The Cow' lose their importance as we progress from grade to grade?

The cow is a four-legged mammal. It is herbivorous, has four stomachs, and chews cud (i.e. regurgitates its food and chews it again to aid digestion. Gross.) It has different places in human society according to geographies. For example, in the west, cows are livestock, while here in India, they are "live" stock - sometimes more a part of the family than family itself. Even in the business scenario, it is common practice for cattle to be given more importance than human resources.

Another topic that may be used for encouraging thinking by young minds is 'Light'. Its still-debated characteristics may be found in the uncomplicated thoughts of a child. The simple occurrence that is reflection has been analyzed to within an inch of its brain (relativistically speaking). While Heisenberg had convinced humanity that it is impossible to be certain of anything, children unencumbered by formulae and relatively free of stereotypes, cultured by familial traits or otherwise, may show humanity a different way to perceive. I say, why know the small details? We know enough to rocket to the moon, or so NASA claims. Time to expand our horizons as a species.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Surprisingly, NOT another cellphone dump... begin with. I didn't know Alistair MacLean's novel The Way To Dusty Death had borrowed the title from Macbeth. Purposely haven't got a book today so as to give my eyes a rest from reading fine print... We're imbibing the worst parts - obesity, cable TV, et al - of "developed" society. Onerogwation. Huh? Anyway, modernization has come at the expense of evolution. We've become stagnant. All the more reason to challenge ourselves as a species and go beyond Earth for habitation. The event of not taking psychology - and, ultimately, anything - in Lower VI. Life is bound to have been, be, or be somewhere in the universe as we know it. Its characteristics are hard to imagine - it may even be characterless [or undefinable in our terms] - which is why Adams' babel fish is such an awesome concept. There is no point in comparing myself to others. Case in point - bali(?). As soon as humanity set time for itself, everything became inevitable. As we say, everything became a matter of time. Everything expressed in a language is plagiarized - hence originality is in creating languages, like Welsh and Burgess, and others i haven't had the pleasure of deciphering. Tolkien, of course. Rip-offs also count, refer starting of paragraph.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Leslie David Baker, from The Office (US), is in Malcolm in the Middle, Season 2, episode 2, playing the cop who writes up Hal (Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad). Unrelated coincidence - triple nelson of posts! :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vaio'd - Another cellphone dump

Bashmit will replace, aw, shit. I must become more social. Think cautiously and plan accordingly. The one good thing about India is, I think, right now, that disguises have to be pretty damn good to have any conceivable chance of working. Makes it tough for foreign spies and internal terrorists alike. To elaborate further on this metro ride to Pulbangash, the sheer number of people around you at most times is enough to make a Big Brother scheme superfluous. Kapish? I should submit my works serially. Perhaps start with SMBD. In my opinion, Soframycin is an excellent medicine. I understand, that is to say in this context that I empathize, and so I shut my eyes and don't pass judgment. Assuming concentrating on your cellphone is equivalent to shutting your eyes. Having corporate worker logos on their clothes gives some people a sense of security. The surest indication that my economic stature has become larger is that I get anxious when the balance on my metro card approaches or falls below ` hundred. It is evidence of a money-trickling-down-through-to-even-undeserving-kids effect that people with soft heels have more easy-going lifestyles. It is blasphemy on nature, I tail [sic] you. The day will come when my cigarette burns will show no more...I'm almost sure that will be a nostalgic time... [Idea for being granted a wish by god that asks to be, to coin a phrase, in on the secret of the universe. God says:] May you perceive existence the way I do. Discussion follows, after an epiphany and a frown. Something like God's Debris by Dilbert creator Scott Adams. Has the trend of celebrities endorsing cars in India gone? We have to do the best we can at the time. Also, the every-point-trying-to-get-equidistant-from-every-other-point-in-an-infinite-universe-of-points thought fits the infinity of the universe, and also, kudos to Chuck Lorre's vanity cards. Through electronics - idly thinking about my Vaio got me, well, thinking, so to speak - we have come to control the movement of electrons, and whatever more (or less) is inside them. My question is, invest more brain power into looking and working outwards, beyond Earth. A house can handle only so many people, and we're procreating all the time. In our minds, if not actually. Send me into space, I lie [sic: t9 for kid] you not. Your noose-around-the-neck job is a product you're consuming, manufactured (IN PRISTINE CONDITIONS WITH 100% PURE INGREDIENTS) by the corporates. To quote Fight Club, "You decide your own level of involvement). I agree with David Lodge in his Thinks... We are in on (way superior to any other species in regard to) death. So the DMRC is Delhi's first brush with international standards. Hm. An impressive one it is, Yoda say. So, as far as I recall, C = 5/9 (F) - 10. Correct me if I'm wrong, pl. I feel the need for a tablet device, but then immediately after I feel I am easily making do with my Nokia 1208. All I need is a space to save my thoughts, arbitrary though they may be, and the text capability of this phone is as good as any others - and even when it has to surpass its limited pre-programmed-dictionary vocabulary, I shift to multi-tap. Simple. As many things in life are. The ones that aren't, aren't. If there's something I can do about them in this moment of time, I'm probably doing it. Or thinking of doing it, at least.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Thanks to watching Two and a Half Men (hats off to Chuck Lorre's vanity cards) with embedded Spanish sbtitles, I now know that Tio is Spanish for Uncle. So, the character Tio appears in Quantum Leap, etc. etc. It's time to do the thing today, today's CN thing to do, So you go do that thing we say, 'cause once you've done that li'l thing it's the CN thing you did, Today's CN thing you did. Turn your friend inside out:

Friday, September 30, 2011

Quantum Leap & Breaking Bad

The Uncle Tio character in Breaking Bad is also in Quantum Leap, Season 1, episode 6 - Double Identity

Friday, September 23, 2011

Another Cellphone Dump, A Month And A Week Later

Forewarned is forearmed, and so I stay prepared for everything by expecting nothing – in a term longer than the next 6 hours. It’s tough for me to be a radical at this point. 1834 hours, 20 august 2011. “But how can one be warm alone?” – Joseph Heller We just developed these concepts because we ‘evolved’ into ‘societies’, or, self-supporting groups. [Yet all over the world, knowledge transfer takes place from older to younger…] One day isn’t enough. Make it everyday. Being contemporary humans, we are constrained to live our cosmically short lives out on earth. Damn! The upside-down smack-in tattoo flowers in Sanawar. I’d like to be burned off after all eligible organs have been utilized at the crematorium near SmartCube. SMBD: Explain the dart. It’s important for me to come to terms with myself if time has to pass. What shouldn’t be done is…unclear. I say rat-races should not be entered into. I must always uphold the ‘each to his own’ proverb. :P It is the notion of paying others for their physical labor that is responsible for the present extent of human proliferation. [t9 say, Prolifeicration] 1530 hours, 12th August ‘11. This is right after the previous. Message memory still not full. My azad pad memoirs...  I’ve let so many things go, and yet so many remain… There is no way like the highway. I have had a ‘t’hing for ‘t’he le’t’’t’er ‘t’ for qui’t’e some ‘t’ime now. Two minutes in the metro and already I’m glad I’ve brought Trainspotting along. Let alone being a breeze-through I had erroneously presumed it to be, it is like learning a new language – dialect, at least, for the convenience of the structuralists.  The unsaid lies behind the bite. The worst thing about unknown fuckers is that they bring other unknown fuckers. :P Mea culpa… The increasing money-value of life, example Dr Lal Pathlabs. A person is a naturally incomprehensible thing to try and figure out. I look at material things because they can’t stare back. 1100 hours, 17th August 2011. I have nothing to complain about, as I glance over the books I own. What’s in a name? Why so serious? Immortality, I think, has been achieved.  This ties in neatly with my nothing-to-complain-about rant. The reason for the decimal system is our ten digits. If I die prematurely, remember Fateh Pal Singh Sidhu, Satya, and Vivek Gupta, and feel glad that at least I was alive longer than these excellent – but less fortunate than me – people. What the hell is a mixyz? t9… Yay…message memory full, with this stupid msg, designed to just avoid eye contact… Sight is obviously not an illusion or imaginary, else born-blind people would have a separate world. Similar for other senses, and the possibility of a shared experience emerges.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One Month Later

It's my budday, it's (was) my budday...exhilarating to spend it with family. :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

50/2, Bungalow Road

Glad to be online again, especially since so much of an MBA is online...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

upload after home trip

Writing, being cheesy, is never easy. What I mean is, here everyone else is, minding their own business, and there you come over the horizon, waving a sheaf of papers and insisting that everyone read your crap, and give you their opinion. Well, what do you think?

I prefer to save my shave for Sunday evenings.

Exchange of info at Yamuna Bank station.

Continue, please, with whatever you were doing before I was dead. Change your plans if they involved me, obviously, but please DO keep them in the same vein.

I think about Life, The Universe And Everything In Between, by me, and I Think About You, by Guns n Roses.

I actually put my hands up – ‘haath khade kar diye’ – for an answer to the question, where does all matter come from? Even energy has – had – to come from somewhere.

I like it that I don’t fit the bill for being sales-pitched by these guys and girls employed at these retail stores. I like not having to turn them down. I like knowing exactly – almost – what I want.

I woke up in the middle of a dream at will today morning. 0912 hours, 24 May 2011. I’ll venture further to say that that is a kind of Freudian manifestation of my will power – and I’ll smile to that, and feel proud.

How old people get when they buy their own Civic… :P

Like the thought about truck drivers, who probably have their own versions of lives to relate, so do auto rickshaw drivers.

Perception is a thing unaffected by the five senses. It is mostly shared by them to make sense of the world for the perceiver.

To all humanity, and to Dear Mum in particular, today, 2215 hours, 29 May 2011, Noida – it’s just the weather, don’t be upset.

I would like to return to the Roots, Bloody Roots (Sepultura).

I’m not afraid of death. When you’re dead, everything’s gone. Game over.

Dhobi Ghat – Ms Rao has incorporated quite a bit – many bits and pieces – of great direction. The final masterpiece could’ve been better, though, Mr Mandlik.  Also, the sprint by the character at the end underscores the importance of being physically fit.

AzSol: supply-demand – renewable energy is endless – everyone/everything needs energy. 2 + 2, renewable energy is profitable. Also about me – factotum. But, cut to the chase – money. ?

I don’t mind putting Wiki links in my work. I like to think that in places and regarding things about which it would be sufficient to get a general overview, a familiar layout (Wikipedia) is helpful even to the uninitiated. Of course I run the risk of off-putting some people, but hey, tough titty. :P

In the end, as with every point in life’s timeline, I am alone with my thoughts. Loneliness is only tough when recognized as such by my mind. I’m fit but I need to lose this fat around the waist. What a waste.

After plowing through half of The Castle (F. Kafka), I must revise my opinion of Kafka – pretty laborious. :P I am reading the English translation by _____________________, and the two-page-long monologues are beginning to irk me.

White noise is blissful! 

Chetan Bhagat’s first, 5 Point Someone, was a good read; the ones that followed have contributed to juvenile literature standards plunging down the toilet [and plugging it up, and plummeting down it again]. Of course, I feel all the more spiteful because of Durjoy Dutta et al.

Thomas Mann’s quote in today’s Jamshedpur edition of The Telegraph does not make complete sense to me. Maybe the second part is written from a societal competition standpoint, or the first is written from an old-knowledge-in new-information standpoint. Quote and elaborate, if able to achieve the same state of mind – “For man always searches for recognition: he would like to find the old in the new and the ordinary in the individual. Ashok Mitra, on the same page, has an opportune idea – and I suggest that EVERYONE deserves a biography.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

:D Catharsis

Was watching Mad Men S 2 e 03 (The Benefactor); words are so misleading, and yet, leading.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another, it's getting repetitive now

The written wotk cannot adequately portray the visual, and vice versa.

I concede that existence, or life, is difficult to understand. Nevertheless, matter HAD to come from SOMEWHERE, and it IS getting somewhere, and we as a species are in it. That doesn't tell me much...

Sound, of course, is another perfect example of life utilizing particles to further its own cause.

To word my sugggestion to humanity - speaking as an outsider, not like Camus' but like an actual extra-terrestrial - differently, i think we should make IMMEDIATE use of practical technology that helps us spread to the Moon and onwards. There is AMPLE time left for going deeper than electron level - that being my personal limit of the 'practicality' of science.

One of the reasomns for civilization is so we can be GIVEN food by our guardians, instead of having to kill/reap to find sustenance.

Eyes open, always.

To further my last insight, sound is inferior to how we manipulate light, since vision is the confirmation of acknowledgement of communication establishment.

How come these people are not at all concerned that we're just specks on a ball of rock revolving around an ordinary sun?

I'd like to be Beorn; I'm aware my stature doesn't fit the description by Tolkien.

Education is important only because we feel the need to elucidate our thought processes; if there was one who didn't feel the need to communicate overmuch others, they would, to agree with Floyd, "need no education".

We humans are not unique in pondering the reason for existence; even dogs, or, for that matter, any living organism, will turn its thoughts to 'deeper meanings' etc when it has achieved its own level of ease of survival.

I don't know if that is an acquaintance, what i AM certain of is that I do not wish to establish communication right now. [I wish this one had a timestamp.]

The sense of identity, and especially individual identity, is, perhaps, one of the major differences between humans and other species.

Albendazole, mebendazole.


So. How Was Your Day? The title of my short stories.


On-the-spot decisions are probably the most 'future-influencing' decisions I make. Combine with Tree.

Mosquitoes are the REAL vampires.

Amaze your loved ones by whipping up delicious cuisines - that's right, MANY cuisines!!Learn everything from starters to satisfying desserts, certified!Call now!

Learn world-famous exotic cuisines and be a great chef!Top off your skills with bakery & confectionery courses-all certified by the renowned Mrs. Ramni Ralhan!

(contd.) Things to do, preferably with The Only - visit the church visible from Pulbangash metro station.

How soon is too soon? Message memory full.

Kitni heavy janta hai Botanical Garden metro station par...

Kudos to Burn Notice and Mad Men.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Curves - reefer(going for denote, just need a D to come up; making it will give me another life to add to the 14 I already have - I haven't used a single one :) ) - qi - xi - zoa - cat(I have let go so many words - for instance, just now I could've made CATTY, but that would mean no denote. When does the pursuit of happyness (pardon me, I flagrantly plagiarise, no offense) end?) - rut(stuck in one right now) - qi - jay - and D it is! Later.

Monday, April 4, 2011


:D The second time I've felt the earth move beneath me, and this one was just as gentle as the last time, about 10 years ago. At first I atrributed it to faulty chair stability, but that's what other people are there for - confirming your experiences.

Also, a century of posts! Yay! Reminds one of Sachin...the Master Blaster.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Well Played, India!


I thought it was going to be over in the previous over...

On an unrelated note, while the video uploads: Breaking Bad is awesome! I Alt-Right through the longer conversations, and see through some of Aaron Paul's melodrama, but hey, it's good entertainment. Can't wait for Season Four.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Two Quotes

“If wishes were fishes we’d all cast nets” - Dune, by Frank Herbert.

The next one tomorrow, from office.

Two Quotes

“If wishes were fishes we’d all cast nets” - Dune, by Frank Herbert.

The next one tomorrow, from office.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Worth sharing, hence acting on the "inspiartion"

Excellent timepass reading.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Longtime Cellphone Dump - Maybe A Li'l Bit More Focused Than The Previous Instalments

Someone Else's Dream along with Tangled Tree of Decisions would explain coincidences,and adaptation/evolution to some extent...but matter? Where does all this come from?

My - Azventure Solar's - CSR initiative will be Restore Earth:.

If there is a god, answer me this question - What is at the centre?

Again by company cab, and sucky again. That's what reminded me that I'm in a cab, again.

Sopcast, tvants [from Nalin]

This sector 37 crossing demonstrates that we, humans, are also in many ways like ants. [ref. video of Do The Evolution, by Pearl Jam]

Easy come, easy go. Always believe in this. [Kinda like in a note-to-self sort of way]

There must be a wealth of human experience - and reflections on it - in the tirades of these auto-drivers as well; doesn't matter whether intoxicated or not.

Looki volcket luistl melag vol

Long time since I typed. Travelling gear should be brightly colored - unless you want to go incognito.

I want fame and fortune - it's the wait that sipper ripper me off. I also want to read Ulysses and Finnigan's Wake.

If I had the best opportunities of this world, I'd love to be an astronaut or a real part of S M B D. It's a cruel, cruel world. Still, passing time is not as hard as it sounds.

Perhaps the answer lies further down this road - the many ways in which to answer questions posed to yourself.

At this point, I feel my true potential is as a survivalist. Example question for previous message - Is Airtel costlier than Idea? Is it worth it?

The only way to know the future is to ensure that mankind survives - we must start now for any hope of lasting beyond the next few centuries, at this rate of fucking up the earth and littering earth orbit with money-making and idiot-box promoting debris. Expanding to the moon should be our aim, I re-insist.

Cellphones and modern communication devices are a perfect example of how we are influencing matter - through physical manipulations of different kinds of it - to enhance our living experiences and collectively push the gee pool higher.

Marilyn Manson's got it right - every body's looking for something. [ref. Sweet Dreams] Sheldon also has it right, in a way - our collective goal should be to enhance the genetic pool.

People on public transport think about influencing events of their interactions with other people - hence, people who would become leaders et al manage to guide the fundamental particles to their - and, more often than not, others' as well - benefit.

Willtolive, restoreearthdrive, azventuresolar [domain names to purchase]

Empathy is key to understanding why we need to work towards a sustainable future.

Given enough time, Ents are a possibility. Message memory full.

I realize truths of life everyday, I'm unable to get them down. One thing I do manage to do, sometimes, though - backtrack. It helps, and also provides a feeling of satisfaction regarding my brain.

I understand all there is to this world. That being said, I'm always willing to learn.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Absurdity & Futility

I find it very hard to believe that some totally "successful" people in recorded history were totally oblivious to the "bigger" questions of life (that I'm kinda dealing with (or trying to) at this point in time)...anyway, kudos to those that were.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Free Weekend Morning

The animated parts in Howl (2010) are competently done. I would've written about it in IMDb, but their '10 lines, no less' policy puts me off...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Random thought process

If learning comes from experience, and memories form the background of experience, then I must include only good experiences in my memories. This was much more lucid when it occurred to me.

Something to do with HIWTBINW. Another lost memory, I guess.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Seems a good name.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Timestamp + A Possible Answer

The answer being that we have almost stopped evolving. There's something going on in our brains, and we exist. To what purpose, I can't say. Nevertheless, we should try and - fancy word for make real - the "sci-fi" visions of colonizing without commercializing other heavenly bodies.

Meditation is a good way of staying fit. I agree completely with Darwin; survival of the fittest makes sense to me. Unfortunately, being "civilized" has taken its toll on us as a species. To counter the degradation the body as a biological being receives, I try and focus whatever "much deep and profound brain things inside my head" on the tasks I want the body to take care of - a nagging headache, for example.

PS: Also, I squeeze every nutrient out of every thing I ingest. :D

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Smart Cube

for SMBD
SMBD: “SLAP them.”

The Twilight of the Idols: Nietzsche ,

for AzSol [pronounce quickly with stress on 2nd syllable, for a swear word :D]:
How do we know that we aren’t “inventing” light as we assert “looking” further into deep space? Science does postulate that we are receiving images as the light from those points reaches Earth, doesn’t it?
I discarded this link, only to C+S+T it and paste it here as evidence of my disinclination towards too technical expostulation. And that’s all that Forrest probably has to say about that, too.

Rear window; Hot Tub Time Machine
excellent speech

A line of iambic pentameter comprises five consecutive iambs.
Iamb: weak syllable followed by strong syllable, e.g. at-tempt.

End of message…

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Massive, Long-time Offline Cellphone Dump

If god doesn’t exist, then luck, chance, and other indeterminate things also don’t, unless you argue using Heisenberg’s. Even then, since I don’t know the details of many things, I can’t accept that praying for good luck or for resolution of individual dilemmas can alter events. Sorry, Dear Mum, but that’s just me.

Neighbours form opinions of you from their interpretations of their observations of your actions. It works on the whole, too, of course, but with neighbours it’s more provable. And...umm...join the threads backwards, or trying to...yeah, so even the slightest mismatch between timings of actions and their being observed, including the time in which the activity is being carried out and/or concluded, which may be complete tasks in themselves, can prove/seem miraculous and/or disastrous.

The ink (if I can call it that) on my ticket stub from Wave Cinemas, Raja Garden from I don’t know when, thanks to their low quality standards, has vanished. I don’t need it, but what about corporate people claiming expenses, or families keeping accounts?

Waiting is so loserish.. :b

Arms akimbo. It's been so long since this word that even t9, usually spot on, doesn’t have it.  The little joys of life. On a separate note, the newspaper started for the youth at one buck a copy is neither targeted at nor aspired to by me.

At this, the Boring Road branch of SBI, it is a pleasure to listen to old Bollywood renditions on saxophone.

To be good at public speaking, you have to be able to be what the situation requires you to be.

Possible places the PM can appoint me in: [non-exhaustive list, by a long way] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CBI desk and field sub categories, solar energy cell, PR manager-consultant on projects (to get around the issue of creating a post for me), Army intelligence unit...

Has my ‘Write’ fizzled? Is it time to waste time on ‘Something Must Be Done’?

Something must be done. And if I have to do this, I need a team which knows me, and helps me know them. You in, Paddy? Sud? Qaiser? Sisodia? Satyen? Soumu? Seven is good, I think, to do what I have in mind. Let’s start calling.

The difference between me and most of the rest of the world is that I don’t take advantage of people when I am in a position to. It’s not sensible, or preach-able, but I shrug and say, so what? At least I’m a good human being, and a talented one at that. I don’t need to press down upon people just for the sake of it, or for personal gain. Instead, let others have a bit of, shall I say, good luck, in having met me.

Your job is your job. Not your hobby or your pastime.

I remember saving a draft about a David Lynch – I even remember typing “Lynch” – type dream about a real-turning-to-soft-toy, with Cheshire-like transformation, and a flat triangular animated monster, both about a foot large, both clawing and biting (trying to) the toes of my slippers; becoming more aggressive as they become more arbitrarily animated. It is almost the same time a day later. 0611 hours, 15th October 2010. I liked the bit about a time stamp in R K Narayan’s A Dateless Diary.

It’s been a while [ref. Staind, It’s Been A While] since I’d thought about the ‘If I could go back to one point in my life with full knowledge of the experience till now’ thing. Come to think of it, I think that’s how an autobiography is written...

:D Savage Garden’s The Animal Song is playing on radio, seems such a far-removed-from-reality idea, almost, but no quite – to pulverize, plagiarize Adams – laughable concept.

Tragic ways to die 1: impaled through the eye by a bovine horn.

Gal mithi mithi bol. Meri bindu re bindu. Aane wala kal jaane wala hai.

Astrological trinkets are effective if they become psychological reminders for the wearer, whether s/he recognises or acknowledges this or not.

Way to instant happy-feel: look at others.  ...and that’s how everyone gets away with irresponsible/unacceptable social behaviour.

Someone started owning more valuables than others, but needed time for it. So he employed one of the guys whose share he’d usurped. And that’s how it started.

I’m blessed – it is the word that originally came to mind, so I’ll not lie by substituting it with any other – to have a healthy body.

Isn’t it time DMRC removed these vision-stopping banners from Akshardham station? Let people get inspired!

I’m sorry to say and frowning to observe this para-trooper on Botanical Garden station totally – totally – harass two separate girls, one with a guy, too, with his eyes. I guess it’s the one bad apple that stinks up the basket...

Practice what you preach – very important. Also, in this bus to Sec 37 crossing, revelation – deep thoughts are good if you have the will to snap out of them, at will.  19th October 2010.

There’s a Shaggy (of Scooby Doo fame) sticker on this person’s bag, en route to – again, these banners – Akshardham. He is in no way the target for the Scooby business, in fact I’m certain he’s neither heard of nor is interested in the dog and his snacks. How mass media manifests itself...

A thumbs-up to you, Ms. Nidhi, for your status message. Very true.

On a cargo auto in Bhangel – na kisi ki buri nazar, na kisi ka muh kaala; sabko khush rakhe, maalik upar wala. A very noble thought, I must say. Kudos!

I have the astrological trinkets to protect me, so why should I care? Anyway, I love The Only.

Should we migrate? That is the question.

Flare gun, LASIK, and Hancock with The Only. Discuss S M B D plot with her, quoting The Man From Earth. Also, The Hobbit is compulsory reading.

What doesn’t kill you should make you stronger. The choice, and the will, is yours.

The Z Cafe logo animation zooms out of a sideways view of a breast, complete with nipple. What is that? Subtle imagery? 1123 hours, 2nd November 2010.

I must work on “Write” more.

I walk these non-empty streets...

Sponsors of “True Stories” on Nat Geo – why? WHY? I should write to them, give a little free advice. How opposite the “A Word of Advice – Don’t Give Advice” quote in one of the excellent Hindi books I’d picked up for `20-30 each at Parker Hall during one of the Founders’ Weeks...

Linkin Park has become too straight-metaphorical.

Living at home is like The Sims, and it feels like déjà vu, can’t pinpoint why...maybe cross-refer to the post about neighbours forming opinions based on their observing you, and the unique (to me, at least) social interactions – nay, social interaction choices – of Dear Mum.

A strong set of ethics rarely helps if there’s a desire for money.

I need a book for metro rides. Sides. Sheep. Sheer. Rider. Correct. Sheds.

Send a plaintive email to Nat Geo. “Live curious”.

Courtesy Chughi – bind your memories. [Cannot remember what this one was about...very much doubt if he’ll even know what I’m mentioning if I mention this.]

How harmful is putting water through the X-BIS machines of DMRC?

Public utility systems aren’t affected by buri nazar. Case in point – metro. Also, public schools, which fall prey to bad internal policies/decisions/decisions to make policies. Case in point – Sanawar.

Clean energy is one of the heads to be discussed during Obama’s visit. I must be proactive instead of a passive-aggressive. No, not really, I just heard that passive-aggressive thing twice today, once in Family Guy and once in Drawn Together, I think; it was floating around in my head looking to get used somewhere.

2110 hours, 4th November 2010. BBC report on coaching schools in PoK – for S M B D. In Yodaspeak, Be Done Something Must, or B D S M. :D

Elaborate with example: when you tell a third person about an interaction involving you and a second person, it is...umm...desirable from the second person’s perspective to know what you tell, since this version isn’t influenced by your desire to avoid hurting the feelings of the second person. Example: wife discussing sex life with girlfriends.

This “I Kid You Not” thing on Hit 95 cuts no ice with me. Recalling adolescent incidents/things that happened at home is not pleasant for me [, or a laughing matter].

Predilection, e.g. for languages.

I can now quote Obama regarding solar cells. Must get transcript. 1340 hours, 8th November 2010. And K Subramaniam, too.

This Sarthak guy is good, dude. Freudian, eh? Good work.

Paint your home green – ad for Azventure.

Shamitpur, Udalgudi, National Liberation Front of Bodoland. For S M B D. [Bodo kill 24 innocents in Assam]

I dunno what to say, so will say nothing. Love. [For The Only]

Wake and...? 

Sam Pitroda advises the PM on innovations.

Who or what is at my antipode? 1202 hours, 11th November 2010. Pulbangash metro station.

A Thank You is in order for Devan Daniel K P, for...common room cricket, suggesting The Hobbit, lending me HP1 to read, the ‘Himalayas’ song, etc etc etc.

Over time, one encounters many, many kinds of weather, in many, many...umm...permutations (just to use a longish word) of situations; the distinct objects being permutated include money, place, time of day, physical health etc. These shall all eventually matter in the writing of S M B D, I Kid You Not.

Michael McConnell’s comment on sensitive intelligence in Pak and Afg. Also, General A Kayani’s India-centric comment.

We are bound by the rotations of the second hand.

I could trek across Delhi in half a day.

It seems like an infinite amount of time has passed every time I dial your number. Time should be according to one, hence the divide-world-on-basis-of-perception-of-time theory.

When I die, two things: no remorseful ceremonies and/or rites; my body to be donated to medical science – including harvesting any organs that can be.

Ah, well, one needs SOMETHING to while away the time uselessly...

I love quality solitude.

Only your mind can give you away.

The antennas of i20, Ritz and Swift. I have spotted it.

I have walked on the edge, as well as both its sides. 

Todd Stern, Obama’s Special Envoy for climate change. No offense, what does Mr. Special Envoy’s routine run like? I’d like to know, and I know Carl would like to know, too. ATHF.

Where are the numbers? I MUST find the numbers to my b-plan! :D

I want to be fit when I’m old, not like...not like, well, this.

Call DMRC and ask them to support me; put solar cells along the railings of their above ground systems, and station rooftops – maybe schedule this for next up gradation/incorporate BIPV into future plans?

The Office is fun to watch.


Finally, BIG Street has learned from 360°, as TDI did.

I am a prolific unpublished author.

Smorgasbord. Just felt like using the word. Also, it’s the human brain, capable of immense things; no point wondering if any thought is a ‘bad’ or ‘good’ thought.

If I have to do business, I must stop enjoying mediocrity, and clarify this in its cruellest, monetary sense to The Only.

Naked Lunch, by David C. Written by W S Burroughs. Also, On The Road by J Kerouac. Also, Howl by Rob Epstein starring James Franco. Also, the works of G Corso.

I think my time of being an out-and-out extrovert is over.

James Joyce, John Updike, Aldous Huxley, R Kipling, Ray Bradbury, movie – Barton Fink – in fact, the Coen Brothers’ entire works, David Lynch’s entire works, Bob Dylan discography, Kafka, comic/movie – Persepolis, The Interpretation of Dreams etc. by Freud, Works of F Nietzsche, Jung,

In stressing upon expressing with meaning rather than description, I support the Beat movement.

Play ‘This Velvet Glove’ by RHCP slower. Which reminds me, how dependent I find myself on others’ talents! :D I regret it not.

So much has changed/happened this year, and it’s not even new year yet!

Taking a big cab to Gurgaon. Feels like floating in a sea of traffic. I don’t like that. I prefer to be involved in the surroundings, exploiting the weaknesses.

The author of Winter Fire [Geoffrey A Landis]. Also, I think I give the run of the earth to monkeys and they’d be running things just about the same.

Crime and existentialism.

The smog is hanging dense here, in Sector 44. Not good.

How is it possible to ‘become what you are’ when you are so inextricably connected to so many people? Reminiscent of The Man From Earth, the way he must delete himself from place to place.

Thank you, Mr Nietzsche, for “become what you are”.

Do not judge strangers. Analyse, but that too only to a very, very superficial level.

Diadems – notes from DCE.

The answer to “Why can’t I be what I want to right now?” is that we are biological beings; now and then is a concept of time, not nature. Periodicity is natural, measuring it and counting it as important is artificial.

Curious amateur photographs of the Sun. Also, are glasses a handicap (Non-astronomical; more specifically spectacles)?

Cracking knuckles, dry cleaning woollens, pilling of sweaters, [Things to Google while at Office].

Music is an excellent aid to...umm...circumvent the illusion of time (“Lunchtime, doubly so” – D Adams). Which, according to the image I have of Arthur Dent, leads me to believe that our administrative slowness is a leftover from British India.