Off to Kathmandu to attend Sappy's wedding, and 2017 couldn't be off to a better start.
Even if Twitter closes down this year, I will have tweeted enough to compile a repository of epiphanies (and reactions to others).
TBH, the self-imposed constraints on my tweets can be irksome sometimes. This is part of the reason behind this post.
This company has tided me over 6 months, and I am richer by 50k (already), so it's been a great half-year, especially after the momentous first half of 2016. On second thought, the momentous SECOND QUARTER (April, May, June) of 2016 were EXCELLENT. From July onward, the year flashed by in an extended session of information-devouring through the WORLD WIDE WEB - slightly different from the Internet in that my surfing was highly eclectic.
Tomorrow, if the intervening #6hourisms go well, I will take a break from this slowly-getting-monotonous office and chill out a bit. Au revoir.