Thursday, October 18, 2018


Tareme/tsurime in anime

Veni vidi vici is a tricolon.

TIL: Abstentious and cukoloris

Cliometrcis and terpsichorean

11 – Latin day, somehow from lexemes
Sub verbo/voce – (dictionary) under the heading
Sapienti sat – word to the wise is enough
Sapere aude – dare to know
Festina lente – make haste slowly

Running across quite a few Virgil/Aeneid quotes; had naturally progressed to it after the Homeric epics (Iliad/Odyssey)

Sum summarum – all in all

Faustus: Que sera, sera

Sic et non – yes and no
Ad astra – another Virgil-ism, to the stars
Sic vita est – such is life, c’est la vie in French//Pulp Fiction shout out
Silentium est aureum - -silence is golden
Sine – without; not the mathematical function though it fits for me
Sine qua non – with condition, a necessary condition
Sol lucet omnibus - -sun shines on all
specialia generalibus derogant - special departs from general

sub Iove frigido - under cold Jupiter
emotions are sub silentio


suum cuique – to each their own

Seems appropriate that I know tabula rasa as I begin ‘T’.

Brachistochrone curve – fastest descent

Temet nosce – know thyself; of course, inevitable to shout out to The Matrix’s Oracle scene.
tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis - the times are changing, and we change in them
fugit inreparabile tempus – time flies (irreparably? More Virgil)
terminat hora diem; terminat auctor opus - The hour finishes the day; the author finishes his work; more Faust to the end.

Came across Oliver Gogarty, the inspiration behind Buck Mulligan in Ulysses, from ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis (where you are worth nothing, there you will wish for nothing) in Beckett’s Murphy.

usus est magister optimus – practice makes perfect – or as near as can be, or as near as you get satisfied with
vacate et scire - Be still and know; so apt for these ennui-filled days.
Veni vidi vici was used by Caesar for the Battle of Zela (Turkey)
vera causa - true cause (is it an oversight or is the link for vera causa a Self Demonstrating Article, as TVTropes puts it?

Versus means towards, not against (which is really referring to adversus)

vince malum bono - overcome evil with good; BCS Shimla (where I got my scar circa 1995) has this as their motto

syntagma – arrangement (cl. Gr.) > constitution (mod. Gr.) + a public square in Athens

Vincit qui se vincit – he conquers who conquers himself

Richard III’s “my kingdom for a horse” is paraphrased in Asterix in Spain; Richard II is in the First Folio of Shakespeare, which is the last tab open in my other Chrome window. Spirals, of varying radii.

Tomas Transtromer (Nobel for Lit, 2011) went to Bhopal in the aftermath of the 1984 tragedy.

Mono no aware, Japanese, not to be assumed English despite the phonetic similarity, means ‘the pathos of things’.

Lineament – a distinctive feature; loosely, visage

Samizdat – publishing banned works of creativity

Nudnik – a bore, AKA people I avoid

Almost inevitably, a Latin quote I ran across this week appears in Asterix and the Banquet: Victrix causa diis placuit, sed victa catoni.


I’m not sure if I have previously noted the reference to the Upanishads in Ulysses, so I shall note it again, to be reminded of the spiral-connectedness of all things past, present and future. They say history repeats itself, I agree: only the spirals vary unexpectedly and unpredictably.

Agenbite of inwit – inner wit bites again (and again)

Omphalos – spirals, interminable

Nietzsche is invoked.


At long last, off to the Himalayas! 

[To be resumed]


Ran across Pearl Jam (Jeremy) on TV Tropes. As good a place as any to resume this blog post. Also, next to-do is the synopsis and chapter outline; will develop them in frenzy mode when aptly minded. Patience…and credit card debt lolz.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, recalling a conversation during the recent trip to The Blue Sheep in Tirthan valley, Himachal.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Anemic Cinema by Marcel Duchamp.

Ray Bradbury and John Huston wrote the screenplay for Moby Dick (1956).

Eric Idle parodied Paul McCartney in The Rutles – fitting for a Monty Python.

George Best was alluded to as El Beatle :D

Mythopoeia by JRR Tolkien – meta

William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and Adam West were in The Outer Limits (Cold Hands, Warm Heart, I, Robot and The Invisible Enemy, respectively) before becoming Cap Kirk, Spock and Batman.

TIL that Easter Island is antipodal to India – specifically, Desert National Park near Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.

Giancarlo Esposito b-boyed in Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing!

Embarking on Against The Day, today. Ennui has reared up again; irritated shrugs have become de-facto responses.

Myst the video game was influenced by Jules Verne’s The Mysterious Island…I recall playing it very long ago, the surroundings do not spring clearly to mind. The infinitive has been split.

Lucid dreaming nights

I have finally encountered the Myth of Sisyphus in Homer: Odyssey, Book 11. Odysseus talks to the inhabitants of Hades.

Dear Mum’s budday.

Reading The New Yorker article on Guillermo del Toro, and he calls out his Sisyphean project. Spirals, incessant, variable, but always intersecting.

I knew I had run across Anthony LaPaglia before: Frasier’s Simon Moon, Daphne’s obnoxious brother, no less! Australian Film Industry, I yearn for thee! :D

Arete was the first Greek word I explored, courtesy Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Adding kleos and xenia to that one-item list, courtesy the Homeric epics.

Schism by Tool is literally about the chasm between people, mainly due to impaired communication.