Sunday, April 1, 2012

A sooner-than-usual Message Memory Full

There are so many intermingling thoughts in my head that I know they are all wishful thinking. Just today evening, I was reminded of my sincere wish of becoming an astronaut, those stupid encouraging days. Yet, they  were the reason for my popularity in my later life - Part IV - my DCE sojourn.

I feel like I've spent my creative energy but I haven't; this draft bears me out. If at all, I'm proud of my ability to squeeze something outta nothing - cue song.

Our aim has to be to enhance the kid's knowledge, not inhibit it.

0238/2703. Get me leads and I'll go conquer them, Karan.

Try not to compromise on quality while attempting anything.

The "right" use of lyrics, both in content and context.

Unintentionally overhearing this younger dude talking on his phone on the Metro, I'm reminded of Traverogue, the part when I overheard two Bengali women talking...memories are a bitch to get rid of, I tell you. Now that's an fb stat up, I tell ya.

And next, the Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs. :D

" a skinny Cartman..." :D

Follow up Re-arranged with a rap cover of Killing Yourself to Live, Black Sabbath.

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