Moebius (an influential artist) named his daughter Nausicaa, influenced by the friendship of Hayao Miyazaki
Stan Lee cameod in Big Hero 6!
High Hopes was featured in Beavis & Butt-Head (PTA).
Spike Milligan was India-born.
Dani California (RHCP) was used in 2 live-action Death Note movies…I must’ve missed it when I saw them so many years ago.
Wiki-walking through TV Tropes; might as well collect targeted emails for the next act on the stage of life.
Don McGill’s postcards
Hah (victorious)! I expected nothing less from Douglas Adams creations than to be Trope Namers.
Ennui overwhelms. Anyway, Zeerust, the South African town, is also a Trope Namer. Essentially, retro-futuristic.
Gonna go to IRCTC tomorrow; let’s see what’s up at IRCTC!
One week later, as movies are wont to use as intertitles. :D
David Lynch>Uher>Assmann
Mondegreens are common – I remember having to pause-rewind-play Eminem to discern the syncopation. Eddie Vedder’s singing lends itself readily to mondegreens too.
Godel, Escher, Bach was in vogue at our flat in Gurgaon (now Gurugram); the Droste effect (mise en abyme) led me to it whilst wiki-walking.
Trivia! Kerry Condon (FRIDAY) is Mike’s daughter-in-law on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul! Also, youngest to play Ophelia for the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Laura Harring ‘scared up’ (a la a glass of sherry) an appearance in Frasier (Dial M For Martin).
Burn Notice ended with eleventy-one episodes, or a Nelson.
Ashish’s budday
Gonna wiki-walk through the day, like yesterday
Yesterday, came across Seadoos while watching The Amazing Race season finale. I’d stumbled on to Seadoos somehow, on an offshoot of wiki-walking. Little spirals intertwine all the time.
Kenny Baker (R2D2) was in Time Bandits, the first in the Trilogy of Imagination by Terry Gilliam. Ian Holm (Bilbo in the LotR movies) is in there too!
Niles of Frasier is the trope namer for the Replacement Flat Character :D
The Bradbury Building appears in Gravity’s Rainbow, too. And Ian McKellen was in Last Action Hero!
It just hit me why the Iron Man Bleeding Edge armor used to sound so familiar – Thomas Pynchon wrote a book by that name which I had come across way before reading about the comic namesake.
Blade Runner parodied in Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law; specifically, the ‘tears in rain’ Roy Batty death scene.
Leonard Nimoy appeared in The Outer Limits, Production and Decay of Strange Particles – 4/20/1964.
They’ll get only what they pay for. If I’m feeling particularly benevolent.
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