Wednesday, August 1, 2018

July Fly-by

Clouds have rolled in over the past few days. Great time to enjoy now-rare solitude at home.

Encountered G Arcimboldo’s art, completely by chance.

Annie Besant connection in Gravity’s Rainbow – and a mention of Krishna!

Reading about Patton pommelling Rommel and listening to Us & Them with its “…forward he cried from the rear and the front rank died…”

A good sign (or bad? I prefer good) that I thought for a moment that it was the 4th of July.

Facepalm levels of inadequacy in communication, but I rise above it and give them more words. I got a multitude of words in my head. Carpal tunnel is acting up, though. And this mouse has gathered quite a thick underbelly of grime. Tomorrow morning, Mission Wipeout.

Just a glance at Dream Theater’s Falling Into Infinity cover, and I knew there was something that rang a bell: Google affirmed that it is Storm Thorgerson’s work – hence its Pink Floyd-ness.

New keyboard, btw. Took the Mission Wipeout quite seriously, I did.

This is what I read for: Sherlock Holmes was adapted as Sherlock Hound by Hayao Miyazaki!

Started today swimmingly. Might work on A Life Afloat to make use of the mental buoyancy.

Interesting (to me, at least): J Gray-Stanford, who played Lt. Disher in Monk, voiced the titular character in the animated Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century.

“Communicating Cynicism: Diogenes' Gangsta Rap”: what a title for an article. Kudos, Ms. Ineke Sluiter!

Antimony has no letters in common with its symbol Sb (from Latin, Stibium).

Conan Doyle made Sherlock Holmes meet the Dalai Lama in Lhasa. Speaks volumes of the enchanting allure of Tibet.

Langur traits in Prof Presbury! I wish I could insert the ‘laughing-with-tears’ emoji.

Jude Law worked with Jeremy Brett in The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place.

The bridge of Ponte de Lima in Portugal is now on my travel list.

Into the future with Futurama!

Bill Murray has portrayed Hunter S Thompson (Where The Buffalo Roam).

I believe pareidolia is pretty common, having experienced it myself since childhood.

Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman (Nellie Bly) went around the world in 72 days, and George Francis Train made 3 such trips. If that is not a person’s name driving their destiny, I don’t know what is. :D

Started at 10 today, gonna hammer out this Privacy Policy with a vengeance.

Got thanked profusely yesterday! :D Lemme see how today’s 6hourisms go.

Our senses are so important.

Profuse corporate creativity today; but a lot of ‘ifs’ hovering around in my mind…more than usual.

Michael Palin appeared on The Chaser’s War on Everything!

So from Futurama (Lethal Inspection), I have come upon Might makes right, which is an aphorism, which is open 5 tabs down the row in Chrome. Spirals is how I see this phenomenon.

The Green Hershey Bar, in Gravity’s Rainbow (Pynchon).

Circled round to Last Chance To See (from examples of the Ship of Theseus thought experiment mentioning the Gold Pavilion Temple in Kyoto, Japan) and hence enamored with Douglas Adams again. A comic conservationist, of all things. :D

No addition to captain’s log, even though I’m reading Community plots, which are full of tropes and trivia.

The Truman show was set in a Potemkin village.

Drawing on my vast lyrical knowledge, I am transcending creative boundaries for describing technological services. Plus, people trying to be a pain due to their personal quirks irritates me so I transcend them, too. :D

Watching Mike Cahill’s Another Earth a few years ago resulted in two realizations: Brit Marling is awesome, and sci-fi can be done in an understated yet effective way, without in-your-face CGI.

Heard Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 (Op. 125, Choral) in its entirety to identify the music used so often as muzak. Next, 2001: A Space Odyssey OST.

They tryina’ gemme down but I rise like Hayabusa

“All Your Base Are Belong To Us” came up during wiki-walking, and apparently it was graffiti-ed into Wreck-It Ralph, through the ending of which I lazed yesterday. Spirals, man, they’re just convergent and tangent all the time, unpredictably yet assuredly.

Alicia Lemke’s voice hit me hard, and finding out she’s permanently away deepens the wound. Oh, the frailty of humanity…it’s a theme I dwell on recurrently, but keep out of A Life Afloat because it would be too easy to slip under, and quite hard to resurface.

I’ve had an epiphany about the book I will write on music and its influences – The Floydist’s (“playing on” ‘Flautist’s’) Guide to the Harmony

Apple Music is finally curating a great For You list for me…machine-learning, IRL.

Aleatoricism is an intriguing concept, mainly because of my proclivity towards chance/serendipity.

Pynchon is one of the (many, many) inspirations behind Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta.

Considering creating a mnemonic (origin: Mnemosyne) for the Muses: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Euterpe (flutes and lyric poetry), Thalia (comedy and pastoral poetry), Melpomene (tragedy), Terpsichore (dance), Erato (love poetry), Polyhymnia (sacred poetry), Urania (astronomy).

Last day of the month…it’s been a weird week, to say the least…still, the ebbs and flows of time carry on barely perturbed. Got to make a break for the mountains – a clean, short break. Two weeks to 33rd birthday!

Wiki-walking, I come across “By The Power Of Grayskull!”

Budday month begins! :) Things are always looking up if you don't let yourself get dragged down into the mire of people. To quote Sartre, "L'enfer, c'est les autres", or "hell is other people". Well, most of them, anyway.

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