Tuesday, December 15, 2009


- Incentives (trade off; balance between extremes)
- Information
- Inherently non-evil people: 87% (Feldman's bagels)
- Discrimination: (i) taste-based - you choose not to interact with people
(ii)info-based - other people have poor skills
- Pragmatism
- Socrates + Plato (Republic)
- Adam Smith
- Taxonomy
- 4 Factors determining wage: (i) number of people able to do the job
(ii)specialized skills required
(iii)unpleasantness of job
(iv)demand for the services the job fulfills
- Johnny Appleseed
- Ceasescu
- Lexis Nexis database
- Prophylactic
- Formation of conventional wisdom (J. K. Galbraith): (i) ease of understanding
(ii)effect on well-being
- Panhandle
- Causality & Correlation
- Risk = Hazard + Outrage (Hazard is constant, Outrage is to be controlled): Peter Sandman
- Ted Kaczynski
- Richard Taylor
- Tipping point, according to Gladwell

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