Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy is a wonderful book, just like the Guide itself. It's sort of a hope generator, carrying a message throughout the book that just when you're feeling you can't get any angrier/sadder/happier, something or the other WILL happen to make you angrier/sadder/happier. It's all fine really, because when it's all finally over you won't feel any worse for it. Everything turns out for the best, just that it only turns out right for varying lengths of time. Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. Infinite Improbability Drive. Somebody Else's Problem Field. The HHGttG Mk II. Marvin. God's Final Message To His Creation. Flying. Babel Fish. Slartibartfast. Towel. Everything will work out okay if you know where your towel is. Don't Panic.

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