Monday, December 18, 2006

waiting for something is such a drag...especially if you have nothing to do in the meantime. fortunately for me and unfortunately for you, i have this register and this pen so let me get on with this... GC. or General Conversation. there are more terms for the phenomenon, colorful and interesting ones, but they are not what you'd like to read. nudge. nudge. wink. wink. vapid case of plagiarism from Chuck Lorre, but hey, i'm atleast accepting that the guy is cool enough to "inspire" me, the way that babe was inspaired by someone's writing about getting laid and stuff...have really fallen behind on the music, literary and some more fronts...and even the future looks bleakin that context. there are lots of things i'd like to write about, but mostly the thought process wanders so much that i get tired even before i begin. like GC. got started, didn't write what i'd imagined i would, and have now ended up writing this. no clue as to how this happened. GC. i encounter it everywhere, participate in increasing or decreasing its volume in a few places, and note its effect on people. if i had a way to put all the conversations that i consider interesting, that'd be an achievement in the literary world.

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