Monday, December 18, 2006

domestic help. i don't remember what i was thinking when i typed that in my cell, but it certainly is food for thought...i've seen so many people who've been in that the house, other people's homes, at markets with families (lugging around the kid in this place or pushing around the kid(in a pram, i mean, not bullying it) in the metrocities)...they define the start of the lower strata of humanity in most, emotional, situational...i wonder what heir driving factors are, how they (and, for all i know, their antecedants) came to realize their vocation was this; the carrying out of the whims and fancies of economically stronger people. money, of course, and luck. i'm sure there are lots of these people who revel in their job, taking delight in serving their employers, and then again there are those stereotypical butlers and valets of English culture who've formed an image of their own, helped liberally by P.G.Wodehouse's creation - the infallible Jeeves.

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